

excess meaning的相關標籤

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Shatavari, or Asparagus racemosus, has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system, particularly for females, and as a support for the digestive system, especially in cases of excess pitta. The nature of Shatavari is cooling and giving nutritional juices to the reproductive system, this resonates what we say in the Chinese medicine “rejuvenate tonic” in the body”. “Shat’”means hundred, “Vari” means husband. Therefore it is referred to as meaning “having one hundred husbands”. This doesn’t only support young woman, but also for women in their middle and elder years, to help them gracefully transition through the natural phases of life, including menopause. Shatvarin 俗稱作印度西施,也就是喝了讓女人有傾城的美色。除了有助於緩和生理期引起的癥狀如經痛及情緒起伏,對於減少更年期的不適也很有幫助。正式的名稱為芦笋也就是蘆筍根,愈是印度極乾燥產區的野生種功效愈大。因為在惡劣的生長條件下蘆筍的根部能夠吸滿寶貴的滋潤精華表示其植物特性的強烈。 Shat 指的是 100 Vri 意思是丈夫,係擁有一百位丈夫的女人,讓女人擁有如此「魅力」可見對女性生理功能輔助之大。Shatavari 草本味甜帶甘,因此亦比較百搭。  在傳統阿育吠陀草藥學角度有減低火pitta 和 風 vata,並同時提升濕潤度 kapha。跟我們中醫常說的 “滋陰”道理很像。阿育吠陀草藥學中認為乾性 vata 過高的話會影響經期,經血量過少。更年期停經後帶來的身體皮膚乾燥或尿道灼熱感的問題亦能由 蘆笋滋潤及降熱的特性獲得改善。

Shatavari, or Asparagus racemosus, has been used f...